Thursday, August 19, 2010


It's been my intention for a while now to write a zine. The goal was originally pretty focused - to put together a collection of true stories that I felt accurately represented life in general as I experienced it growing up in suburban Philadelphia. As time went on I began to take college seriously and, around the same time, started a record label. As my free time dwindled, I decided that if I was going to write a zine, it would include any miscellaneous shit that I felt like writing. Unfortunately, I'm at the mercy of a piss poor attention span, and I found it difficult to finish anything that I started. It seemed more difficult to feel motivated about writing a complete, coherent piece when so much work would have to be done before a final product was in my hands. While I can appreciate the fun and tactile satisfaction involved in cutting, formatting, and distributing a zine, it's all the more difficult to see through to the end for someone as unfocused and flighty as myself.

This internet thing on the other hand is a different beast entirely. It affords me the ability to conceptualize, write, and publish something before my concentration runs dry for the time being. By the same token it also fosters, if not rewards, my frenzied disposition. It is what it is, I guess. In fact, my interest in finishing this is waning quickly.

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